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8. No Regrets?

I am not very sure the age range for most active bloggers in Malaysia but I like to think that most of us are young people, or at least in their early thirties. I don't know about you guys but I consider that as young age.

Reading Izzie's post in Terfaktab about her friend who died young which got her doubting/re-considering her principles, it got me thinking if the same thing happens to me. What if I die prematurely, and miss all the things I dreamed of having?

You know, things like, getting married, having a kid or two, backpacking throughout Europe, or even as simple as being contented with what I have. I've accomplished none of these things. But eventually, I come to realise; if I die young, these are not the things I regret not doing. I would only regret not being ready to meet God.

Oh so cliche. Everyone worries the same thing, don't we all?

But I don't think one says it enough. Despite going through pretty much shitty life as I know it, I still have a strong faith on ALLAH SWT. I believe there's an afterlife. I believe I will be punished for my sins, and if my good deeds are not able to outweigh the bad ones, I would be going to hell. I believe Islam is the ticket to Heaven, provided that I have been following HIS rules when I was living. I believe in these things most of us had lost grasp on nowadays.

So not showing enough love to God through my doings while I am living would be my only regret. There's just no other. Because once I am there (dead), I know I won't be punished for not doing those worldly things before my time is up.

How about you?

#nowlistening: Mono - The Battle To Heaven


didyajustsaytht said... Best Blogger Tips

hey girl.

thanks for mentioning me, although it has been ages before I found out, LOL.

yes, I do think the same way too. but I read yesterday that dont ever, ever think that "I will go to hell anyway when you die, so why bother be nice?"

there's always a chance babe.


Irshadim said... Best Blogger Tips

At present, I have no regrets. My regrets are temporary.

I often regret how i have chose the wrong field of study. But later on, something a bit better comes up, thankfully.

Sir Pök Déng said... Best Blogger Tips

"Ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian". I am so fucking bored listening to the same line again and again by the so called optimist people.

But it's true.